
Showing posts from April, 2024

Trail de Balcons d'Azur

Image Le week-end dernier a été marqué par le début de l'été avec le festival du trail XTERRA TRAIL des Balcons d'Azur. Chaque année, nous passons de l'hiver à l'été à ce moment précis. C'est souvent extrêmement difficile. S'entraîner dans une fourchette de température de 8 à 12°C, avec beaucoup de pluie, de vent et tout à coup, il fait 25°C à l'ombre et encore plus au soleil. Tout le monde souffre, les plus grands gars avec une plus grande surface souffrent encore plus. Je me tiens également à l'écart de ce terrain pour la plupart de mes entraînements. C'est beaucoup trop rude. Je ne parle pas des difficultés physiques comme les montées difficiles, les pentes raides, les grands pas ou les longues descentes brutales. Je parle des rochers jonchés. Vous courez à 100% de la course sur un terrain si rocailleux que cela torture les pieds jusqu'à en ressentir beaucoup de douleur. Souvent

Personal Insights into Optimizing Ultra Running Performance Through Supplements

  Ultra running, a realm of extremes, demands a nuanced understanding of our bodies' intricacies. From the genetic predispositions shaping our nutrient needs to the relentless toll exacted by exertion, every stride tells a tale of physiological resilience. In this exploration of endurance, I offer insights garnered from decades of personal experience and meticulous self-surveillance. Testing: The Foundation of Insight Testing, the cornerstone of informed supplementation, provides a window into our body's inner workings. While the ideal lies in frequent assessments, the practicalities of ultra running often render this unfeasible. Instead, attuning ourselves to the subtle cues emanating from within becomes imperative. By journaling sensations, emotions, and overall well-being in the weeks preceding a comprehensive blood test, we lay a sturdy foundation for personalized supplementation. Zinc: Enhancing Recovery and Immunity Zinc, a stalwart in my supplementation regimen,

Post Ultra Trail Recovery - how long ?

Most people complicate their recovery with already looking for races for the season. By feeling good initially after the race, keeping up training, then falling into a deep fatigue and doing nothing afterwards. After an ultra, depending on a boat load of things, most humans fall into the deepest fatigue after 1 or 2 weeks of wind down. Depending on the intensity and/or the length of the race and of course about the integrity of the human being itself, the fatigue can stay from 3 days to 3 weeks. Unless it was a very well organised challenge, for this reason of prolonged fatigue, or possibility of prolonged fatigue, I don't like to chain together big events. I have seen so many runners get disappointed already during the first event, then carrying over this to second. Failing the second event, while already being in a very tired state, so falling into a deep and depressive state for months afterwards. It just doesn't make sense.  In case of a full on professional runner, that is