Personal Insights into Optimizing Ultra Running Performance Through Supplements


Ultra running, a realm of extremes, demands a nuanced understanding of our bodies' intricacies. From the genetic predispositions shaping our nutrient needs to the relentless toll exacted by exertion, every stride tells a tale of physiological resilience. In this exploration of endurance, I offer insights garnered from decades of personal experience and meticulous self-surveillance.

Testing: The Foundation of Insight

Testing, the cornerstone of informed supplementation, provides a window into our body's inner workings. While the ideal lies in frequent assessments, the practicalities of ultra running often render this unfeasible. Instead, attuning ourselves to the subtle cues emanating from within becomes imperative. By journaling sensations, emotions, and overall well-being in the weeks preceding a comprehensive blood test, we lay a sturdy foundation for personalized supplementation.

Zinc: Enhancing Recovery and Immunity

Zinc, a stalwart in my supplementation regimen, serves as a linchpin for recovery and immunity. Drawing from extensive observations spanning two decades, I've tailored my intake to counteract losses incurred through exertion. Back in my bodybuilding days, particularly during my time in Malta, a sun-drenched island where prolonged summers reigned, I found myself sweating profusely, depleting zinc reserves at an accelerated rate. It was during this period that I first recognized the profound impact of zinc supplementation on my overall well-being. From bolstering recovery to amplifying motivation, its effects were undeniable. Even now, as I traverse different landscapes, its role remains indispensable in maintaining my vitality and resilience.

Vitamin D: Harnessing the Power of Sunlight

Vitamin D emerges as a vital ally, particularly for those deprived of ample sunlight exposure. Proactive supplementation, initiated well in advance of winter's onset, ensures sustained vitality during periods of heightened training. Reflecting on personal experiences gleaned from traversing landscapes devoid of sunlight, I underscore its profound impact on energy levels and overall well-being. During my time in Ireland, where gray skies and scarce sunlight prevailed, I keenly felt the effects of vitamin D deficiency. It was a stark reminder of the symbiotic relationship between sunlight and vitality — a lesson I carry with me as I navigate the nuances of supplementation in my pursuit of peak performance.

Magnesium: Nurturing Cellular Function

Magnesium, an unsung hero in the realm of supplementation, plays a multifaceted role in complementing athletic performance. From alleviating cramps to fostering relaxation, its benefits extend far beyond mere muscular function. Opting for natural sources such as Epsom salt or magnesium chloride ensures optimal absorption and affordability, underlining its indispensability in an athlete's arsenal.

Multi-Vitamin: A Safety Net for Micronutrient Gaps

A multi-vitamin serves as a safety net, bridging the chasm of micronutrient deficiencies encountered during intense training phases. While its role may seem modest, its contribution to overall well-being cannot be overstated. During periods of heightened physical demand, it offers a crucial lifeline, fortifying our bodies against the rigors of endurance.

Iron: Navigating the Pitfalls of Deficiency

Iron, a nutrient of paramount importance, demands special attention, particularly for non-meat eaters. Reflecting on my personal journey, I've discerned its profound impact on energy levels and overall vitality. By heeding the subtle cues emanating from within, I've navigated the pitfalls of deficiency, ensuring optimal performance even in the face of adversity.

Vitamin C: A Timeless Ally in Performance

Despite debates surrounding its efficacy, Vitamin C remains a steadfast ally in my pursuit of peak performance. Leveraging high-quality sources, I augment my resilience against the difficulties of ultra running, particularly during periods of heightened physical and mental demand. Its role in boosting immunity and enhancing recovery cannot be overstated, underscoring its rightful place in my supplementation regimen.

Essential Amino Acids and Creatine: Foundations of Performance

Essential Amino Acids (EAAs) and Creatine, stalwarts of the supplement world, form the bedrock of my performance-enhancing arsenal. From amplifying enzymatic functions to bolstering muscular performance, their roles in cellular processes are irreplaceable. Drawing from personal experiences spanning over a decade, I attest to their profound impact on endurance and recovery.

Sleep: The Cornerstone of Recovery

Sleep, the cornerstone of recovery, merits equal attention in our pursuit of peak performance. By crafting a nightly ritual centred around magnesium, iron, zinc, trace elements and vitamin C, I ensure restorative rest even amidst the tumult of training. Through meticulous self-surveillance and informed supplementation, I've cultivated a regimen tailored to my individual needs, offering a roadmap for fellow ultra runners on their quest for excellence.


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