INOXTAG / Kaizen Criticism - what is the matter ?

First of all, I didn't know INOXTAG before the film Kaizen, I still don't know what he is doing and still don't really care.
In this current world, the most opportunistic, the smartest, talking about "business-occasion smart" ,  who can succeed. Me, personally, I don't watch these chaotic shouting and crisis, Mind-craft or Gameplay videos and I just cannot see any value in them. However, millions of people, kids and even adults can ! These millions watching can make money for those who are making videos. Young ones can idolize these youtubers, so they actually can come out from behind those cameras at home and organize events and meetings, making even more money. This is just how it is. Simple fact.

If you don't understand this, don't understand how youtube and other social media works, don't understand the why and the how of it and don't accept it either, well you still live in the 1980s and still saying that how a better world it was and how it is stupid right now and still you are just being old. This is what actually every aging generation does. Even the generation of the 50s , when arrived to the 80s were criticising the current actual. When first electronic music came into the scene, there was enormous amount of push back.

What I say here, that the way he makes his money is not understandable for most. Than because of this money, he does what he actually wants in his life. He can do what ever he wants. Literally. Buy physical stuff, buy experiences, invest, buy houses and clothes, travel, hire health and sports professionals, whatever he wants. 

This creates jealousy in people who don't understand Y-2024. This creates hate in Alpinists who cannot found-raise money in their entire life to go to the Himalayas. This creates jealousy in Alpinists who went there, maybe even multiple times and did not succeed. The list goes on from other youtubers, general people, trail runners, climbers and so on.
People start talking about subjects not even connected and making philosophy in FB and YT comments. They bring in their friends lost in the mountains, pollution, overcrowding, the message, the wrong message, all sorts of crap.


I just simply advise anybody.  You like or don't like the personality, you don't care. Watch the film. It is not bad at all. 

Imagine that you are worst than a couch potato and you must do the Everest in 1 year. You must get into an enormous physical shape. You must acquire the necessary technical skills, what is just a lot, but you must be able to use these under stress ! You must also get into a mental state that will propel you forward. The risk of dying is high !
To organize all of this, to create all of this, as a 22 years old with zero experience, I mean this is phenomenal. 

From a coaches perspective and from an endurance athlete perspective. I can imagine the difficulty of somebody with 51 VO2MAX, going to altitude with zero previous training. 


From a message standpoint, why would you need a message  ? You watched a good film, au revoir ! Why do you need to create polemique and buzz ? But guess what, all of this is great for him and his film. All of this spitting on and hate. Cause people will watch his film even more, and the followers and likers will love him even more. 23million views to date. So, just watch it, don't draw conclusions. Don't think about what he thinks, that it changed him, or that why did he do, or how did he do. Enjoy your film, that is the message. 

What do I think ? I don't think. Me personally I don't want his fame, I don't want his money, I don't even want to climb Everest or get into Alpinisme. I like the film, enjoyed it, next. When you bring in subjects like disrespect, pollution, motivation and descipline, friends and family, when you bring in emotions, like, hate, jealousy, this is when he makes money. So he is absolutely right about everything he does. He had a plan, it worked. He got richer. In feelings and emotions, richer in knowledge and understanding, richer in skills, richer in travel experiences and in the meantime he got more money too. Does he care about what you think ? Should he ? Nope. He keeps on enjoying his life no matter how much you hate or like on him. 

This article took me 25min from my time. Next. Thank you


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