First Training Plan of the season

A little bit of coaching today. I am going to run a race of 32km with D+2400m of elevation gain in Saurat in the Pyrenees on the 2nd of November as my next challenge and maybe a shorter race in Montgailhard the week after. I am trying to create a vague training plan to understand what I need to improve my current fitness, in order to compete well out in front. 

Count Three weeks back from race. That is the taper. I am staying in shape and keeping to my base fitness already, so no base training will be needed. However, I will definitely, sharpen my body up to speed for the race specific speed phase. 3 weeks of strength and base plyometrics to the start. 3 weeks of race specific training in the middle. 9 weeks total, race week included.

This is a focused plan. Not a general plan.


Week 1

  • 1x Plyo session + 1 Hill Sprint Session
  • 1x Strength session + Easy run / Bike ride
  • 1x Dynamic Run, with pickups
  • 1x Medium long run with D+700 - 1000m MAX 2.5h
  • 1x at least 3 hours bike ride

Week 2

  • 1x Hill sprint and Hill bounding session
  • 2x Strength days of upper and lower body
  • 1x Speed session of 5 * (10 * 30/30) on rolling terrain
  • 1x 20min Tempo
  • 1x Medium Long run of D+800m at least of MAX 2.5g
  • 1x 1 at least 3 hours bike ride

Week 3

  • 2x Hill Sprint and Hill Bounding sessions
  • 2x Strength Sessions
  • 1x Hard session of 10 x 1min on mostly uphill terrain
  • 2x Tempo Runs of 10 + 20 min
  • 1x Long Run of at least 2.5h D+1000m
  • 1x 3h plus bike ride



Week 4

  • !!! 2 days consecutive off !!!
  • 1x 35min Tempo of hard up and hard down
  • 5x 2min up
  • 1x Dynamic Long Run D+1500m
  • 1x 4h bike ride
  • 1x hill sprint session 
  • 1 strength easy session

Week 5

  • 1x Repeat 35min Tempo of rolling hills
  • 20x 1min up on road + Hard Downhill on Trail
  • 1x Dynamic Long Run D+1500m to D+2000m
  • 1x 4h bike ride
  • 1x moderate strength session

Week 6

  • 2x Long Hikes 4h+
  • 2x Long Runs 4h+ D+1500m
  • 2x Long Bike Rides 4h+
  • 1x easy strength session



Week 7

  • 3x days Consecutive off
  • 1x hard Run D+1000m at least
  • 1x Speed session of 10*1min on rolling hills
  • 1x long run of 3hmax with downhill focus
  • 1x 3h bike ride with little climbing
  • Multiple short TRX sessions

Week 8

  • 1x hill sprint session
  • 1x kenyan hill session on non-tech trails of 5 x 800m
  • 1x 2hour bike ride
  • 1x long run of 2hours
  • Multiple Yoga / Pilates / Stretching 

Week 9

  • 2 days off 
  • Wednesday, some easy tempo
  • Then 3 days easy with some sprints and accelerations
  • Race 


This is a a very rough out-line and basic structure about what to come next. I will mix these up and put them into order guided by my recovery and fitness.


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