
Showing posts from June, 2024

Why do we love Ultras ? Why do we abandon(DNF) them ?

We all have all sorts of answers to these two questions. I find however most of the answers wrong. Maybe because I am a holistic life practitioner ? What ? Simply means I like to take all aspects of life into the picture, when I have statements or when I make decisions.  What triggered this blogpost ? Well, nothing and everything. A french podcast I recently listened was one of them. Not gonna tell you which one with who. However, we talk about a runner, who won a couple of medium key, but hard races, then he became a race organizer and a coach. I am not gonna do the same like they did in the podcast, that after the guy actually was selling his life philosophy for 35minutes, the interviewer asks, so you don't run anymore , but what do you do ? What ? Yeah actually, he was basically just selling how hard of a guy he is because he never abandoned a race, finished this and that with this sort of tendonitis, with that sort of knee issue, with a low back problem, that during preparation

Another Nutritional Mishap - Rice Sticks to your Gut

Rice Sticks to your GUT - said a colleague Fifteen years ago, a comment like this would have sent me into a boiling rage, but now, I can look back and laugh. I was enjoying a giant breakfast one day after a 30-minute strength training session and an hour of Nordic walking. Feeling energized and ready for the day, I sat down to a post-workout meal of steamed rice, carrots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, and some salt—a nutritious mix totaling around 1000 calories. One colleague was surprised to see me eating something that didn’t resemble a typical breakfast. As an athlete, fuelling up properly after a workout is essential, so my meal made perfect sense to me. However, another woman chimed in with a comment that rice isn't great for health because "it sticks." Let’s put this in perspective. This comment came from someone who, while expressing concern over my choice of breakfast, seemed to overlook several key aspects of her own health. Wearing glasses, squeezed into narrow toe

Totalitarian nutritional misconceptions - pressure cooking

I recently talked to my colleague about sports nutrition. I work in a place where 90% of the employees engage in regular sports activities: tennis, swimming, paddle tennis, running, fitness, go-karting, and more. We talk a lot about food. Our latest subject was pressure cooking. In France, people are kind of lost when it comes to nutrition and have a complete misunderstanding of how life works in its complexity. First of all, all of them, especially the fitness enthusiasts, were saying how pressure cooking destroys nutrients, how it is not good, and how it actually robs you of nutrients. This is despite the fact that all of them just heated up their plastic lunch boxes in the microwave oven. Quite controversial, I guess. Ignoring the benefits of pressure cooking is also a bit of a blank shot. Pressure cooking can render the protective proteins of legumes and grains neutral and eliminate gas and digestive issues. This includes cereals like wheat, barley, or oat pearls, and beans, lentil