Most man live their life in quiet desperation !

This is a very sad way to perish. To have your old days going and knowing that you did not give everything you got. I don't feel like that you have to have a goal. I though am absolutely sure, that you must look for that goal, that passion. The only way to do so is to gather information. If you don't have the knowledge of something, if you don't know about, don't learn about something, how would you know that "this is my calling" ? How would you know ? When you don't have knowledge, you don't have questions. The more you know the more question you ask. 

The question is, how to gather the most knowledge, so you can either go for your passion, or go for finding that passion ? The simple answer is taking action. The complex answer is learning, working, acting, behaving, attitude, breathing, controlling, discipline, THINKING and much more. One of the most significant messages from the "Book of 5 Rings" is a very simple phrase, that the Samurai lives by. Do not do anything useless ! For me that envelops really the essence of life. Real life. Do not waste time, do not do stuff, that has no meaning for you, do not pass not even split seconds on anything that is not developing you. This doesn't mean, that you cannot stop and always have to move and being in the midst of the fury. No. It simply means, that no time should be wasted.  

We talk about this very recent phenomena of doom scrolling and posting and social media. We talk about going out with friends into a bar where there is loud music, drink, go to dance like an idiot, waking up in the morning hungover, then watch TV all day long, then next day go to work on a way, that you will be more likely feeling like passing out, so you'll avoid all extra tasks and won't even finish your own job and so on and so on. We talk about having a loan, to pay for something that you don't really need. I can see this especially on the French Riviera. This attitude drives people to a lot of mental and emotional fatigue, but they still pursue it. Some people have motorbikes, just by happenstance. They chose this way of commute, their parents are rich, so he got one and some are simply passionate about riding, the movement, the win, the terrain passing by, the vision, the travel. Most people however, do not want really, neither need one. It can be a very expensive toy and if you had a car and a mortgage and other stuff to pay, you would not need an extra loan on a 12 thousand euro motorbike, 120euro insurance, fuel and reparation cost, tyre change and so on. Cars are even worse. I have a colleague, he would be able to pay from his own money a 3 to 4000 euro car, doing a light job on it, maybe refreshing, wheels and oil and it would serve him well for the next 10 years at least. Instead he takes a loan to buy a nearly new German car with automatic shifting. He will pay, 4 times as much assurance, 5 times as much reparation as it is obliged to be maintained by the concessionaire in order to keep the guaranty.
Every day, these men will spend time and energy thinking about how to pay back the money, how to handle difficulties and stress, how to include themselves into a fake society around them.
I have very close family relatives, who had a fortunate situation of working little and earning a lot. The work was not even hard, though night time, so fatiguing. Instead of focusing on building something up, creating something, making an idea grow big, they accumulated a lot of credit card debt. They thought that their initial luck, will follow them anywhere and that they can do anything, without real work, without focus. What they did not realize, that their employee position and their salary was simply there by chance. Then they changed, both parents. They kept up their lifestyle to show off to everybody. Even family. New shiny cars, new phone, new clothes, eating out every single day, ordering eating in the evening every single day, paying somebody to come over and clean the house, while in Europe, that is not really a habit ! Then, once they realized that they are in trouble, that was too late. Nearly 200 grands in debt, what is a not actually a lot, but when from 6500 monthly net, you come down to 3000 brut for two parents and two kids, you can pay nothing more, but it becomes a real survival. Now you get really consumed, now you are real no time for wasting mode. However, they still are in time wasting mode ! Their parents helped. Unfortunately. It is not them who found a solution. It is not them, who worked hard. What is going on, is simply they pass by, sometimes, 100 or 200 euro in the negative, sometimes 40 - 50 in the positive. They keep on continuing spending the money on shyte, when they have a little, knowing, that instead of having the age, when they could really have escaped the system and he hamster wheel, probably they will be still in it for the next 25 years. In it on a way, that when they escape at the age of 65, they will have absolutely nothing. It is not like you are paying a loan for a house and at the end, you'll have at least something, where you must pay only a land and living tax, electricity and water. No, you pay a loan, that is covering nothing. You pay a loan that is giving you nothing.
What a sad way to perish !
Both over 40, both in bad health, both over weight, both on low energy, both are not working in jobs that they like, the house is not in order, kids are flying out and so and so and so. A sad 30 to 40 year long future downward spiral.

That is a said and true story. I did not say yet, that instead of taking responsibility, they blame a friend. I did not say yet, that bringing all of their loans to the national bank, in 5 years they could have been out of this. They did not want to do that, because once you have a centralized national loan, you cannot have any more loans, nor you can go at all minus on your account. A centralized national bank loan is carefully and very specifically calculated, that you can cover all your normal needed expenses, but not more. No straying ! Depending on your credit sum, what for them is little like 200 grands, in 5 years, the bank would forget it. Start with a white card. The system is not so bad, isn't it ? 

This story shows how you can basically go down on the rabbit hole of spending time and energy on stuff, that will simply make you spend even more time and energy on other stuff, that you absolutely have nothing to do with it. It is not you, not your way, not your future, not your passion, not your goal, not your destiny.


Not like, I personally did not do the same. However at the age of 25 I had a back injury, that made me realize one thing. At least that. My health is the most important thing in my life. If my health is ON, I can do anything. I never actually liked bling-bling. I never cared about money. I never enjoyed or wanted shiny stuff. I however did spend a ton of money, even if did not have, on equipment I needed for my personal adventures. Bikes, shoes, clothing, travel expenses. I never spent more than I had. However, I unfortunately and fortunately contracted a house loan. I did not realize until 4 years into it, that I have a grand less a month to play with. Slowly I had to cut many many stuff. Many travels, many adventures, gas fees and so. I had to more and more adapt my time to be okay in work to be okay for my wife and so on.
It took me long to understand, that actually I can still be happy without those things, I can still be happy without spending money, that I don't need anything basically, outside of some rice olives, celery and a can of sardines. That I don't need anymore the latest thousand euro GPS watch and the latest 200 euro running shoe or the lightest carbon bike. I don't need to travel all the time. I have access to an unlimited trail system from my backyard and can reach anything on foot. I don't always need organic. It is great, it is better, but sometimes I just cannot afford, cannot get or have even better than organic choices.
It took me a long time to learn discipline. To learn to control my self. To learn how practice, deep practice is important. How to not to spend time on stuff that doesn't matter. You know, I love films, I enjoy watching TV, I like to spend time scrolling the net looking at adventure gear, watching you-tube adventure videos, I like to scroll on Instagram and see what Killian is doing, Anton Krupicka is doing, listening to motivation snippets and so on. But that is 10 minutes here, 30 there, 60 over there. I don't have time for that. I don't do that. I don't have a telly. I don't have anything like TikTok or FB on my phone and actually my phone is in airplane mode most of the time. I listen to less and less music. I listen to less and less podcasts, I spend more and more time with myself and my family.
I am not perfect, I don't want to perfect, I am not looking for perfection. I want to just enjoy real life, take action, be mindful, be present and be real. When I sit down to eat, I want to taste the food I eat and not to rush through it. When I learn something, I want to apprehend and deepen the knowledge and not rush through learning, just to say, that yeah I did that. When I am out training in the mountains, I want to enjoy training, I want to run with my eyes open. I want to breathe the air. I don't want to just to be out to put it up on Strava and to show. It never was the case, but used to be part of the experiment. When people saw my rides or runs, then my energy showing up to work the next day, they either congratulated, chatted about a lot or wanted to come with me next time. That is a great feeling, that is a fantastic ego boosting thing. On the other hand, you don't need this fake thrill of feeling like winning UTMB, but you just walk jogged 50k climbing 200m hills. You are still better than 99.999 of humanity, but nowhere near elite. The goal never was to be like the elite. The goal was always to be me. 100% me. Developed by me. 

I give you three great quotes, think about them every day.


Don't do things that are useless !
- Musashi

Ces sont les bruits du monde.
- Van Damme

Il faut que tu sors de ta zone de Confort !
 - Mike Horn


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