Supplements for health and performance - unlocking the truth

Due to migration, mixing and matching in-between genetics and races, environmental changes during the lifetime of generations, we humans are not pure anymore. This is good and bad in the meantime. We can adapt to all sorts of dietary strategies, circumstances and localities. However, it is extremely hard to figure out, what is the perfect diet for us, to bring out our best physiology and human functioning.
Unless you live in a pristine environment and follow the way of your long living ancestors in case of food, like growing your own, eating it fresh, go hunting, drinking quality flowing, "living" water and so on, you can make sure, that you need supplements to complete your metabolic profile.

Macro supplements 

There are nutritional supplements adding in extra "food", like macro-nutrients. The sort of body building type of supplements. Protein, creatine, amino acids, bulking sugars like maltodextrine and vitargo, coconut powder, vegan hemp pro and so on. Don't waste your money on these. You better eat more and healthier foods. Just focus on variety and quality.
You can test out yourself on protein needs and amino acid balance. Take 4 x 10grams of EAAs with 5 to 8g of creatine daily for 3 months. See how you perform and how your endurance and power goes up. If this was the case, you don't eat enough quality meat, fish and eggs in your daily diet.
Those are actually the only two supplements I recommend in periods of high artificial stress. Like training at elite levels, working 60hour weeks, having a problematic family or a giant family and so on.
There are benefits and science shows more and more positive effects on supplementation with beta-alanine, taurine, l'thyrosine and so on. If you have taken EAA or essential amino acids, your profile is complete and your body will create it's own needed aminos.

Micro Supplements

That is on the other hand an important one. Our earth is under pressure and unless you pull out your own vegetables from the ground in a hidden parcel on a treasure land, most likely you are not in an optimal micro-nutritional state. Herbs are resisting and still producing enough vitamins, antioxidants. However in case of some minerals, they are deficient, in others they are overcharged. The human body can kind of adapt to eliminate the too much and hold on to the not enough. It is not optimal however. It is so not optimal, that the lack and too much of certain elements can and will cause a cascade of ill effects. This is just brutal. We talk about for instance hormonal and glandular health. You can cause major digesting and nutrient up-taking issues increasing further other deficiencies. Temper with sleep quality and stress handling, mood, bone and tissue health, brain function, weight, hair, skin, all organs and so. Once you run low on iron, you'll be running low on B12 and a multitude of stuff, showing anemia in your blood-test.
No doctor will ever know what caused your anemia on the first place. Is it the lack of Iodine in your diet, that causes your salivary glands to dysfunction and not to produce enough trans-cobalamine to transport and protect B12 down to your gut, so now you have low B12 and low Iron ? The doctor will then prescribe one or both, but it will correct very little and the moment you are off from the supplements or injections, you would be back at square zero.
The most beneficial supplement, I found on this earth is a high quality Trace Elements complex. It contains all. Zinc, Molybdenum, Iron, Iodine, Copper, Manganese, Silicium and so on.
It corrects so many things at one time and balances out hormonal and glandular functions, that I just cannot rave more about it. 

I personally take a Trace Element supp before bed with 1000mg of lysosomal vitamin C and Zinc with Nigari(Mg-Cl) dissolved in water. I sleep like a baby every single night. I use the same combination twice if I had either very hard training or a long run. 
The rest is optional. If you were living in a dark climate or working indoors, just take vitamin-D. Take E and C if wanted. Take a multi periodically. 
I use B12 injections when attacking extra high training load. Like jumping from 8 to 10 hour weeks, to 30 hour weeks in a blink of an eye.

Herbal supplements

Once your diet is under control and dialed in, with your life and trace elements in place, these are great but not necessary. I believe in herbs I like herbs, I just don't like the approach of the supplement industry of pushing something on the public with a ridiculous price. 

If you were eating organic basil, dill, estragon, purse-lain, lambs lettuce, chards, spinach, rosemary with maybe a couple of mallow leaves, plantain leaves, chick-weed, you most likely won't need moringa and ashwaganda. If you ate organic parsnips and white carrots, celery root and beets of all colors, topinambur, fennel, radishes, like black long and black round, Turnips, you wont necessary need ginseng and maca. You know what I mean ? 
I can see in France the problem. That is ongoing nutritional education. Even 30 year old adults don't know what is a celery root or how a beetroot looks like when not sliced in a plastic container. Like beans grow in a pod. Like nuts grow in a green shell and in a hard nutshell. They have never been educated on it, nor they have seen it. They live their entire life in a city and accumulate knowledge that will hurt them. They eat ready made foods or in a restaurant. The only thing they cook is pasta, boiled eggs and beef mince. No organ meats, no other meats like pork, chicken, fish, wild game, mussels and snails, crabs. No fruits like persimmons, dates, bitter oranges, plums. Apples, bananas and clementines. That is it. Not even a kiwi. Avocado neither. These all grow on the Cote d'Azur and they don't take advantage of it. Nor the locals eat their own fruit, but cut down the tress, cause it litters in the garden and needs to clean up after the fruiting season. It brings fruit flies. 

I really like herbs. They are free. I collect mallow, chick-weed, plantain, mint, mushrooms, some edible some medicinal like ganoderma, strawberry tree leaves, spine needles, salse-pareil leaves, cleaver leaves, stingy-nettle, wild thyme and wild lavender and so on. These are really easy to understand and extremely easy to use. I don't do like alcohol extraction and magic potions. Simply I make an infusion of a kind every single day at least twice. It feels great to drink a "tea" or an infusion. Add in a little ginger, curcuma, vanille, cinnamon and you got a great afternoon drink.


Spices are great, but their price is becoming ridiculous too. Have you ever had a tooth ache and chewed on cloves ? They are anti-septic. Cinnamon controls blood sugar. Garlic acts on blood pressure and so on. I keep on using spices daily. Especially Cayenne pepper, cinnamon, garlic, ginger. I also drink a morning coffee, where I grind in rosemary seeds, cumin, cloves, star-anis, fennel and anis seeds, fenugrek seeds and cardamom pods. It is a sort of Turkish cowboy coffee for healing.

Black Magic

Everything we talked about is for long term. They have effects after a while. They work on your body gradually and gently. 
I never really believed in other sorts of medication. Like keeping up, keep on healing, keep on practicing. Endurance.

I am not selling here anything, nor I am affiliated. I have no financial reasons for saying what I will say here. The company doesn't even know I exist.

 If you have ever taken real mood or life altering drugs and so on, you understand what is immediate effect. What is like real effect on the right now. This is it ! 

Around 20 years ago, I went to the dentist to remove a sage-tooth. It was a serious bad doctor, using hammers and all sorts of tools, to extract out the actual bone pieces, that he accidentally broke in my mouth. I had a moth closure for 7 days eating only yoghurt and smoothies. 
I had another one to deal with and as not knowing better, I went to the same doctor. I had the crown really weakened, so he had to chop the tooth in half vertically to extract it out. It was again a butchery. This time my mother gave my some herbal drops called Dragsimun and creamed my face with a mixture of creams called Droserin and Protektin mixed with a Phytomineral solution. I freckin had no swelling and no pain the next day. I said, wow, what the hell ? I mean seriously. What the hell ? Like no pain and no issues ? How it is possible. 

Then I actually had multiple food poisonings through out the years and I learnt about another product called Cytosan. The first time I took it, my mother told me, crack one open and take it with water and take another one closed. If the issue persist, take one each two hours with plenty of water with added Phytomineraldrops. I got better and cured in a matter of hours. Once I ate a piece of aloe-vera stem in a smoothie post training. Except it was not vera, just aloe and my ma used for face creams and body creams. I got brutal stomach cramps contracting my abs and nearly breaking my ribs. I was in brutal pain. 3 caps and I was back as new. 

I used their products like I think it is called Peralgin and the other Immunosan with high doses of Phytomineral and some creams on my face daily to handle pollen allergies and they worked like a charm. 

I mean the combination of herbs in their alcohol extractions are extremely powerful. Beyond imagination. Seriously ! I right now use Dragsimun, Vironal and King Kong to keep my health up as I have a serious root canal infection, that is killing my sinuses. It has been like that for 5 months now as I did not discover, just recently that it is coming from a tooth. I am going to extract it Thursday so I can live freely again. I will keep using these afterwards too.

Dorogi Levente


Adaptation, Genetics, Races, Environment, Dietary Strategies, Supplements, Macro-Nutrients, Protein, Creatine, Amino Acids, Bulking Sugars, Vitamins, Quality, Metabolic Profile, Artificial Stress, Beta-Alanine, Taurine, L'thyrosine, Essential Amino Acids, Micro-Nutrients, Earth, Herbs, Vitamins, Antioxidants, Minerals, Deficiency, Trace Elements, Zinc, Molybdenum, Iron, Iodine, Copper, Manganese, Silicium, Hormonal Health, Glandular Health, Anemia, Iodine Deficiency, Supplements, Vitamin C, Zinc, Nigari, Sleep Quality, Stress Handling, Herbal Supplements, Organic, Basil, Dill, Estragon, Parsley, Lambs Lettuce, Chards, Spinach, Rosemary, Moringa, Ashwagandha, Dark Climate, Vitamin-D, Vitamins, B12 Injections, High Training Load, Organ Meats, Fruits, Persimmons, Dates, Bitter Oranges, Plums, Spices, Cayenne Pepper, Cinnamon, Garlic, Ginger, Morning Coffee, Healing, Black Magic, Medication, Endurance,, Mood Altering Drugs, Immediate Effect, Dentist, Herbal Drops, Dragsimun, Droserin, Protektin, Phytomineral Solution, Food Poisoning, Cytosan, Aloe Vera, Peralgin, Immunosan, Pollen Allergies, Alcohol Extractions, Health, Root Canal Infection, Dorogi Levente.


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